Jürgen Trautwein is an interdisciplinary artist working in a
variety of forms, including new media and hypertext works, temporary
interferences, installations and classical forms such as painting,
drawing and photography.
For the past ten years Jürgen Trautwein has been working on his
Gesamtkunstwerk the evolving NIESATT drawing and multimedia
hybridization project, which reflects on issues of ephemeralness,
disposability, depersonalization, disinformation, reproducibility,
prefabrication, repetition and the unpredictability of the next
thought; a project where meaning and statement levels are overlying
each other.
Trautwein's web works are an integral part of his NIESATT project;
under the domain jtwine.com he has been creating web works since 1996
with a strong focus on repetitious sound-image-motion-interactions.
Jtwine.com functions like an archive of fictional and real incidents
where personal experience merges with visual research and documentary.
Jtwine.com is combining high and low tech, reflecting on the
and pluralistic character of our visual culture and the web.
Jürgen Trautwein's work
has been shown widely in museums, non profit art spaces, festivals and
galleries around the world and is included inprivate, corporate and
public collections. His work has
been included in many books and publications such as File Festival Sao
Paulo,European new media art Festival Osnabrueck, Plato Sanat Istanbul,
Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Arte -TV, Rhizome Artbase, Net art.org,
Seattle Times, LA Times, Stuttgarter Zeitung, El Centro & Hoy
Quito, Micromuseum Athens, Net art guide Frauenhofer institute,
BadischeNeuste Nachrichten, Javamuseum and Furtherfield.org.
Trautwein holds a Meisterschueler Degree from the University of the
Arts Berlin.
He lives and works in San Francisco and Germany
click here for CV