...interdisciplinary artist Jurgen Trautwein exploring exercising being and the unpredictability of the next thought   
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vox populi the voice of the people

vox populi is a free speech platform, were everybody can participate and express his thoughts about the world we live in. Jtwine is looking forward to receiving your submissions.

The following answers to the four questions are translations from selected Questionnaires "Was denkst du ueber die Welt von heute? (what do you think about the world today?)" handed out in schools from special education to high schools, with more then 300 kids participating, in and around the medieval town of Bretten in southern Germany. This project was part of the world of jtwine.com exhibition at the local civic center in 2005. Jtwine thanks all the participating students, principles and teachers, who made the project possible. view images

personal information What do you think about the world today? What do you like the most? What do you dislike the most? What would you change? image
Katharina/female/12 People do always throw so much trash on to the streets. Nothing bothers me more or less, except the war. That there is no war here in Germany That some people are so evil, that they pollute the environment, they make war and they lie. I would be a founder of an environmental organization and I would fight against war.
I find the world interesting and sad. The many wars and conflicts; there should not even be stress. Everybody should be happy.
Politicians(at least the bad ones, but this shouldn't be an allusion to Schroeder or Bush) That everybody could decide for themselves, but that the world functions nevertheless.  
Vanessa/female/17 I think about the world, that there are allot of communication possibilities like the internet, telephones, cell phones; but there is injustice and famine as well. nature, culture/friendship Pollution; the chances to learn a profession are really bad. All the power to the youth; free admission to discotheques.  
Roberto/male/17 It's okay. There is good and bad. That people help each other. A Tv, if I would have one. war, poverty and that some people manipulate the german soccer. Rich people should give poor people money. Soccer should be shown on computers. No referees anymore!  
Alice/female/17 I think the world didn't change, only the people. Nature, because I think it's something precious. Nature didn't change. That many people are light minded towards the world. They pretend that they own it and they change it recklessly the way they please. I think it's to late to change the opinions and habits of most of the people. They are to bourgeois. Besides a single person can't rescue the world.  
Natalie/female/14 The technological progress is good. People have not enough social responsibility. They are to superficial in their relationships. If one would be more reasonable and less uncompromising people would understand each other much better. Egoism is too strong and destroys everything. There are allot of modern possibilities to make the everyday more easy. I like to be together with friends and family and I'm happy that I've got everything I need. Prejudices, unfairness, if one could agree, there would be less problems and war. One should support social responsibility because it's the foundation for everything else. One should be aware of his fellow men.  
Christian/male/14 It's okay only that there shouldn't be any war and the environment should be more protected. music, cars, women, nature, a summer rain Politicians, who decide on reforms without the people having a say. more nature reserves, more beautiful woman  
Raica/female/11 I'm astonished that the world developed so far. That my family does well, and so should it be. That there are poor countries out there. That kids have to work so hard to get some money, but mostly the don't get much anyway. The world is as she is, I wouldn't change anything.  
Julia/female/18 Everything gets faster and more hectic. Everybody is focused on his own profit and doesn't care about the rest of the world. The progress, everything gets easier. Egoism Everybody should be more responsible.  
Tim/male/12 It's very polluted and full of violence. My daily life Violence( I did experience it myself) world peace  
Dennis/male/12 I think the world of today is a little bit lazy, because people leave everything to the electronics and don't work themselves. Wealth and a cool car Poverty Every country should have the same amount of money.  
Kimsina/female/12 The world is dirty and modern.
Nothing fits together anymore.
My family and friends That there are no discotheques for 12 year olds. I would care more about old people.  
Hanna-Marei/female/17 The world is in some places too developed. the world is not a unity (for example the expression"third world") To travel to foreign countries. Injustice, the stubbornness of some peoples thought structure. The unequal distribution of natural resources and food.  
Engin/male/11 To me it's good. For some kids like in Iraq the world is bad. But I hate the war. High tech The war! it's bad I would get rid of war.
Larissa/female/13 The world is full of crime, there is also allot of poverty. That there are so many different kinds of people and so many countries, all with different customs. Poverty,
Clear cut forests
no idea  
Jakob/male/13 I like it as she is except war, I would leave the world as it is.

good bicycles,
public transport

Teachers, war, racists nothing, except get rid of the US  
Janine/female/12 Full of shit, totally polluted Nature and Technology War, and environmental pollution many things, like a new pope

the world of today is very much reduced to just work and money. I think people should be more themselves and do what makes fun. Sure work is important, but to live for ones work?

I like the most, that there are still possibilities in nature were one can relax and think about this and that., and that there is love, which can illuminate everything. I dislike the most the pollution of the environment, and that in some countries the women are still suppressed and that there are criminals out spreading fear. Same rights for everybody, I would also fight for justice and order in the world of animals, plants and humans.  
Tobias/male/15 The world of today is in a total chaos. The government takes to much taxes, everything costs money, nothing is for free anymore. The great international help from many nations for the tsunami victims War and Nazis I would install warning systems for tsunamis.  
Matthias/male14 To much war, To much poverty and sick people. To much technology barely nature. Computers, games, Tv, nature and camping The many wars and dead people. The atom bomb, the thirst for power and the hunger for war. Peace treaties between the countries. More hand labor. A new currency so that every person has a certain amount of money as a starting capital, which will allow everybody to begin a new life.  
new submissions What do you think about the world today? What do you like the most? What do you dislike the most? What would you change? image



The world of today gives me the creeps. It's the unemployment which sneaks around us, the perils of terrorism, natural disasters, war, and epidemics. I like that one can create his own little world one lives in. One has lots of possibilities to expand and through a harmonic togetherness one can live a happy life. I dislike that so many people make their lifes miserable, that they create so many problems, that they tyrannize each other, they suppress each other and they don't focus on the essentials. A big flood should be coming, which takes all the scum of the world with it.  

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